Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mar 30

Saw a post on Freecycle for someone looking for 6-12m baby girl clothes. What do you know, I just sorted through our little one's things and had a bag full of 6/9m clothes, just waiting to donate. It felt good to know that they were not going to waste, that they were no longer taking up space in my home, and that they were going to bring smiles to another family. I'm sentimentally attached to a few of the items, but that's why we have pictures.

(5) sleepers
(2) pants
(1) hoodie
(12) short-sleeve onesies
(6) long-sleeve onesies
(2) white ruffle-butt tights
(2) pairs of shoes

Total: 404/2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mar 23

Spring has definitely launched us into a bit of cleaning. We're changing around our space to get the most bang for our buck. More play area, less chaos. A number of things are no longer needed or desired, so that's going to be helping with my numbers (I hope!).

(3) mattress pads - Freecycled

Total: 374/2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mar 22

(1) bread machine - donated

Total: 371/2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mar 17

Oh how I love Freecycle. Not only did I get myself some broken crayons for free (for the wee one), but managed to get rid of some things that we've had lying around. Joy!

(2) Baby Bjorns - freecycled
(6) Xbox and components - freecycled
(1) partially used package of newborn diapers - freecycled

Total: 370/2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

March 9

I am really falling behind these days! I'm not exactly sure how many items per day I should be averaging, but I'm guessing I should be somewhere in the 400s by now. Alas.

However, I did make someone's day today on Freecyle, which in turn made me rather happy as well. We just received quite a few hand-me-downs for the wee one, and we were finally able to hand-me-down some things ourselves. Yay!

(26) baby toys - Freecycled
(10) baby accessories - Freecycled
(1) baby swing - Freecycled
(1) baby papasan chair - Freecycled
(1) baby floormat with crossbars - Freecycled

Total: 361/2008

Saturday, March 1, 2008

March 1

(3) CSQE training materials that I will never ever use - sold through Craigslist

Total: 322/2008