Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nov 15

(2) bathroom space saver cabinet in two pieces - sold on Craigslist!

Total: 841/2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nov 10

(4) - BalanceBall chair with pump & extra bits - Craigslist

Total: 839/2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nov 1

(1) destroyed suitcase
(3) pairs of shoes

Total: 835/2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oct 30

Donated to Goodwill today... huzzah!

(14) shirts
(6) shorts
(2) pants
(2) skirts
(2) - one cardigan set, two pieces
(2) miscellaneous crafting pieces
(2) pairs of shoes

Total: 831/2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oct 25

(11) shirts - sent to my sister

Total: 801/2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Oct 24

(2) pieces of clothing - trashed, should have been thrown out eons ago

Total: 790/2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Oct 15

(1) book - Bookins
(1) pair of shoes - given to friend
(12) cat toys - Freecycled
(1) yoga mat - Freecycled
(1) scrapbook calendar - Freecycled
(2) roller car shades - Freecycled
(2) meitai & pouch - Freecycled

Total: 788/2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sept 30

(1) baby carrier - sold to MDC mama

Total: 768/2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sept 27

(3) bellydancing belts - given to friend
(1) book - returned
(1) book - on loan for a while

Total: 767/2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sept 25

(79) pieces of baby girl clothing - taken to a swap for local MDC mamas

I actually brought more than 90 items, but I came back with a few as well, so 79 is the net "loss". It's so nice to open my daughter's dresser and actually have room to put things!

Total: 762/2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sept 24

(1) pair kids shoes - given to friend

Total: 683/2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept 20

(2) baby gates - Freecycle
(2) bathroom scales - Freecycle
(1) infant carseat - Freecycle
(1) DVD - Bookins

Total: 682/2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

Jul 25

(4) sweaters
(2) long sleeve shirts
(1) maternity tank top
(1) swimsuit cover-up

(1) exersaucer

Total: 676/2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jul 15

(53) thimbles & case sent to my sister

Total: 667/2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jul 6

(3) books through Bookins
(1) book sent to a friend

Total: 614/2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Jun 13

(11) pieces of sofa cover - sold through Craigslist

Total: 610/2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31

Just adding a little bit here.

We've got loads of cards from various occasions that I've saved over the years. I have a really REALLY hard time throwing out something so sentimental. However, they are really starting to stack up. Enter: an old EMPTY photo album. I cut the fronts off the cards (the pretty parts) and wrote on the back who sent the card, what year, and for what occasion. My daughter now has a book of pictures that she loves looking at and I have an easy way to store those sentimental memories. Added bonus that it holds so many that we actually have some empty pages and can add to it and reduce the clutter!

(23) cards decluttered and organized into one handy location

Total: 599/2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Apr 17

Another purge of baby things. I was planning on consigning some of the clothes but really... I'd rather they just go to someone who needs them. We don't need the money that much.

(2) pieces of infant tub (tub and infant net) - Freecycled
(1) Moby wrap - Freecycled
(50) pieces baby girl clothing - Freecycled - this was one box, so I'm guesstimating here

Total: 576/2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Apr 8

A big purge day today! Tossed very little, and the rest went to good causes

Donated Baby Gear:
(1) outer wear
(6) pants
(5) tops
(9) onesies
(31) baby accessories (hats, rattles, socks, soft toys)
(1) bag small toys
(8) bigger toys

Donated Adult Gear:
(5) pants
(4) tops
(1) purse
(2) household items (CD stand, surge protector)

(2) bottles perfume

(1) broken office chair

Sent to MDC mama:
(18) diaper covers
(5) fleece inserts

Total: 523/2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

Apr 4

(1) Baby Einstein DVD - Freecycled

Total: 426/2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Apr 2

I'm about 5% behind. Ugh. Have to make up for it, hopefully sooner rather than later.

To a fellow Freecycler today:

(6) pair socks
(6) headwraps (elastic bands)
(2) pair newborn mittens
(2) hats
(2) soft booties
(2) dolls
(1) fancy box

Total: 425/2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mar 30

Saw a post on Freecycle for someone looking for 6-12m baby girl clothes. What do you know, I just sorted through our little one's things and had a bag full of 6/9m clothes, just waiting to donate. It felt good to know that they were not going to waste, that they were no longer taking up space in my home, and that they were going to bring smiles to another family. I'm sentimentally attached to a few of the items, but that's why we have pictures.

(5) sleepers
(2) pants
(1) hoodie
(12) short-sleeve onesies
(6) long-sleeve onesies
(2) white ruffle-butt tights
(2) pairs of shoes

Total: 404/2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mar 23

Spring has definitely launched us into a bit of cleaning. We're changing around our space to get the most bang for our buck. More play area, less chaos. A number of things are no longer needed or desired, so that's going to be helping with my numbers (I hope!).

(3) mattress pads - Freecycled

Total: 374/2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mar 22

(1) bread machine - donated

Total: 371/2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mar 17

Oh how I love Freecycle. Not only did I get myself some broken crayons for free (for the wee one), but managed to get rid of some things that we've had lying around. Joy!

(2) Baby Bjorns - freecycled
(6) Xbox and components - freecycled
(1) partially used package of newborn diapers - freecycled

Total: 370/2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

March 9

I am really falling behind these days! I'm not exactly sure how many items per day I should be averaging, but I'm guessing I should be somewhere in the 400s by now. Alas.

However, I did make someone's day today on Freecyle, which in turn made me rather happy as well. We just received quite a few hand-me-downs for the wee one, and we were finally able to hand-me-down some things ourselves. Yay!

(26) baby toys - Freecycled
(10) baby accessories - Freecycled
(1) baby swing - Freecycled
(1) baby papasan chair - Freecycled
(1) baby floormat with crossbars - Freecycled

Total: 361/2008

Saturday, March 1, 2008

March 1

(3) CSQE training materials that I will never ever use - sold through Craigslist

Total: 322/2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb 18

Finally managed to make it to Goodwill, although not with nearly as much in tow as expected. Guess this means another trip in our Spring future!

(16) receiving blankets - donated

Total: 319/2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feb 14

So glad I didn't just throw this stuff away! This all went to the same mama... so glad it's not going in a landfill!

(2) sample packs Lansinoh cloth wipes - to MDC mama
(5) sample packs Lansinoh breastmilk storage bags - to MDC mama
(2) found Fuzzibunz - to MDC mama

Total: 303/2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Feb 12

Even with a serious slowdown, I feel that I'm making some progress. I must admit, I am a little concerned about hitting the 2000+ number by the end of the year. However, I feel that even if I don't hit it, even if I only get to one quarter of that, that would be 500 things that are no longer taking up space. No matter what, it's a win.

(23) skeins of yarn - sent to MDC mama

Total: 294/2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feb 5

Talk about slacking!!! I was moving along at a nice clip, but things just slowed way down while we recovered from illness and, frankly, I had zero interest in schlepping anything to anywhere with our nasty weather.

However, is it time to start ridding ourselves of some things! And getting things put up and away. February is short, but it could be a powerful month of decluttering.

(22) undergarments - tossed
(1) pair of ripped, unrepairable jeans - tossed
(3) pictures - put up on walls where they belong, instead of stacked on the floor

Total: 271/2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan 25

I got 5" of closet space back! ~smirk~

(1) 10 compartment hanging shoe rack - sent to MDC mama

Total: 245/2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Jan 23

More bathroom declutter!

(4) expired vitamin bottles - tossed, bottles recycled

Total: 244/2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jan 22

So this was a bit of an odd one, but it's still outta my house!

(1) Roxy shoe box given to our mother's helper -- she's going to make a light out of it!

Total: 240/2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan 21

I could blame my lingering cold on my lack of declutter, but really, I'm just starting to get to the meat of things. It's easy to declutter the pile of stuff that's been sitting in the corner and just needs to be gone. Harder, however, is going through the bookshelves and closets, finding things that have been stored away for future projects or family members or for sentimental value. It's an effort in clearing my emotional space as much as my physical. Ah well.

A small addition, in lieu of actually tossing anything this weekend:

(3) boxes of pregnancy tea - to MDC mama

Total: 239/2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jan 17

I'm suffering a wee bit of illness, so things have come to a dramatic crawl. I did manage to get to the post office, however, so at least something happened. I may consider getting over this cold as decluttering by one. This thing has lingered too long!

(5) decks of collectible cards - shipped
(1) game returned to friend

Total: 236/2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Jan 14

It's amazing what one trip to the post office will do to my numbers. ~grin~

(1) book sent out - Bookins
(6) diaper wraps sent out to MDC mama
(3) CD holder cases sent to family
(2) pairs of socks returned -- too fuzzy ~boo~

Total: 230/2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jan 13

More actual progress. Finally went through the top drawers in the bathrooms. It's amazing what can collect in such a small space. The master bathroom top drawer was completely unusable because it was so cluttered with stuff. Mostly expired stuff to be exact. As of this evening, I can actually put the things on the counter in the drawer! A clean countertop... I could cry I'm so happy.

(7) broken hair clips - trashed
(23) make-up, expired or broken - trashed

Total: 218/2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jan 12

I finally had time to go through all the baby clothes. Tossed some, donated some, sent some to family, and will put some up at the consignment shop next week. Also had a few bites on some items listed, although not out of the house yet. So while things have been slow in the progress department, there was some actual work being done. Can't wait to tally this up!

(1) baby blanket
(44) onesies
(6) baby tops
(1) baby bottoms
(1) baby shoes
(5) various baby accessories

(7) baby clothes - stained beyond repair

To family for their new little girl:
(73) baby items in 3 - 9m sizes

Total: 188/2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jan 9

Bah! I haven't been ridding myself of nearly as much as I'd like. I've got 5 things to be mailed, 11 on stand-by (waiting for payment), and 100+ to get sorted and donate this weekend. So while my tally isn't going up at all these last two days, there is definitely some kind of decluttering happening.

I'm having a little bit of a hard time sending things to other people v. donating v. trashing. There are some things that I'm sending family, but aren't I just cluttering up their lives? Of course, maybe they do not live in the cramped way in which we do, so perhaps it's a non-issue. Selling is emotionally lighter than giving it to family. Donating is better than trashing. Reusing seems to be impossible at this moment. I'm of the mind currently that if I have to think of a creative reason to keep something, I probably don't need to keep it.

Total: 50/2008 (still!)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Jan 7

(3) dead dry erase markers
(3) old calendars that I swore I would do something crafty with - recycled

Total: 50/2008

More listing of things on craigslist. Just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the baby things. I am so ready to clear some of this stuff out that is she is definitely done with. Here's hoping someone else ~thinks~ they need this stuff as much as I did.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Jan 6

(3) diaper wraps thrown out -- they were unsalvageable

Not my best day, by a long shot. However, I did get some things sorted through for donation. As soon as they actually make it out the door, they count. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Total: 44/2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Jan 5

(6) books returned to a friend
(1) timer installed on bathroom fan -- it's been sitting around for 15 months
(1) book sent out through Bookins

Total: 41/2008

A word about Bookins -- I love this website. It has allowed me to feed my need to occasionally own a book or two, while also ensuring that I'm cleaning out the space to house said book. Generally speaking I hit the library, but there are books that I simply want to own. I either read them habitually or use them as reference or it's something I know the wee one will want to chew on. So it makes sense to me to use a service that makes it possible for me to get those books cheaply, used, and in decent condition. I also LOVE being able to send books out for others to put to good use. It has already cleared out at least one bookshelf for us. And provided for a number of holiday presents for much less than purchasing new.

If you know that you simply can't get your book needs met through the library, I highly recommend this website as an alternative to bookstores.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Jan 4

Some actual progress! Not big numbers, but big items, which makes a world of difference. I think things will slow down over the weekend, but we just found out about a clothing drive next weekend, so I'm on a mission to get some things cleared out for that.

(1) 17" computer monitor - to PC Recycle
(1) desktop CPU tower - to PC Recycle
(3) shirts that were ordered but never opened, returned, should get credit in 2 weeks
(2) books sent out through Bookins.
(1) dead dry-erase marker - trash

Total: 33/2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jan 3

I feel like I'm dragging my feet a bit because I know there are BIG THINGS that are going away in the next few days. There will be more space. And it's vacation. Decluttering feels alot like work sometimes. I anticipate this will start moving more quickly once the holidays are really over for us. That said, here's the scant few things that are no longer in my life.

(1) broken baby monitor that we are obviously never repairing
(2) bags of garbage from the backseat of the car... sadly mostly Starbucks coffee cups

Total: 25/2008

A thought about decluttering

I've been working towards simplifying my life. Having a child has somehow demanded this. There is not enough time in the day to...
... try and find things... I must know where they are
... have to move stuff around to find a workable play space... there must be play space at all times
... clean excess items... there should be enough to function, not to go three days without cleaning because there is so much

I know there are more reasons that the baby has demanded I simplify, but my soul demands it as well. I feel gluttonous when I know I have far above and beyond what I need to live a comfortable life while others do without. I want to feel a sense of harmony with the world around me, not shame for overindulging without a care for others.

It's amazing how opening my physical space is allowing me to open my emotional space as well.

More thoughts to come.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jan 2

Finally I hit the trunk of the car. (A trip to Costco for diaper wipes shows that we have no room in our Jetta to just let stuff drift around in the trunk.)

To add to the grand total:

(14) flat rate priority envelopes sliding all around my trunk are now being recycled

Total: 22/2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The first day

Off to a bit of a slow start, but already have a few things in mind to recycle. I have been mentally going through the condo room by room, determining what can be sold or freely given away. It's a long list. As things actually leave our home, they will be added to the grand total.

Also, small side note as to my crafting purge: I still intend to make a number of things with what is in my stash. However, no adding to it (yarn, fabric, or otherwise) until what I have is gone. I also figure if it takes me four skeins of yarn to make one poncho, then I have a net loss of three items and will count that towards my decluttering goal.

Things actually gone today:
(5) thank you cards that I've been saving for years, finally mailed this year
(3) metal cookie canisters that I was saving for the wee one... pots and pans will work just fine

Total: 8/2008