Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jan 9

Bah! I haven't been ridding myself of nearly as much as I'd like. I've got 5 things to be mailed, 11 on stand-by (waiting for payment), and 100+ to get sorted and donate this weekend. So while my tally isn't going up at all these last two days, there is definitely some kind of decluttering happening.

I'm having a little bit of a hard time sending things to other people v. donating v. trashing. There are some things that I'm sending family, but aren't I just cluttering up their lives? Of course, maybe they do not live in the cramped way in which we do, so perhaps it's a non-issue. Selling is emotionally lighter than giving it to family. Donating is better than trashing. Reusing seems to be impossible at this moment. I'm of the mind currently that if I have to think of a creative reason to keep something, I probably don't need to keep it.

Total: 50/2008 (still!)

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