Thursday, January 3, 2008

A thought about decluttering

I've been working towards simplifying my life. Having a child has somehow demanded this. There is not enough time in the day to...
... try and find things... I must know where they are
... have to move stuff around to find a workable play space... there must be play space at all times
... clean excess items... there should be enough to function, not to go three days without cleaning because there is so much

I know there are more reasons that the baby has demanded I simplify, but my soul demands it as well. I feel gluttonous when I know I have far above and beyond what I need to live a comfortable life while others do without. I want to feel a sense of harmony with the world around me, not shame for overindulging without a care for others.

It's amazing how opening my physical space is allowing me to open my emotional space as well.

More thoughts to come.

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